原本准备买个国区微软商店的正版支持一下 毕竟都换成win10了
结果国区 战争机器4 居然上架几天之后被举报下架 连 战争机器:终极版 都一同被下架了 什么鬼wwwwwwwwwww
游戏需要全程联网 破解打战役是没什么可能性了 官网论坛又发布了不支持多GPU的消息 算是给了致命一击 wwwwwwww
没有买X1的计划 看意思这游戏要等以后换了电脑再说了
记得 战争机器:终极版 就是不支持SLI 虽然战争机器4和终极版都是cross buy 但这看意思根本就不打算搞好PC平台啊wwwwwwwwww
Gears of War currently does not support explicit multi-GPU. However, we have found an issue where single-GPU performance will drop if SLI is enabled in the NVIDIA Control Panel. As a result, please disable SLI prior to playing Gears of War 4 if you have multiple-GPUs. NVIDIA and The Coalition are working on the issue and will inform the community as soon as we have the issue resolved.